Tuesday 11 December 2012

Open Source Computing - Previous Year Question Papers



1. What is an Open Source Software?
2. Name a free web server and browser available in FOSS.
3. Compare free open source software with free software.
4. Write some disadvantages of Open Source Software.
5. What is kernel?
6. List down different modes available in Linux.
7. What is a process?
8. What is scheduling?
9. What is meant by shell?
10. How does a directory be renamed in Solaris?
11. What is the use rlogin?
12. How will you find the length of the string in SOL?
13. What is meta data? Give example.
14. Give any two examples for SHOW Statement.
15. What are the features of MySQL?
16. What is PHP?
17. List any two logical operators used in PHP.
18. How will you concatenate two strings in PHP?
19. What is a web server?
Max.Marks : 100
(20 x 2 = 40 MARKS)
20. Write about Eclips IDE platform.
(5 x 12 = 60 MARKS)
21. What is the need for open source? Explain in detail
22. Explain in detail about signals.
23. Discuss in detail about accessing directory and files in Solaris.
24 Write down the steps to connect MySql from PHP.
25. Write short note on apache web server.
26. How will be the remote connection made in Solaris operating system?
27. Explain detail about numeric arrays in PHP.
28. Explain the file handling and data storage in open source Programming
*****THE END*****

Max.Marks : 100
(20 x 2 = 40 MARKS)
1. Define open source.
2. Compare windows and linux Operating systems
3. Give the reasons to use linux
4. List out some of the distributions on linux
5. How can you end a process?
6. What is kernel?
7. Define cloning.
8. List the usage of the following commands at, atq and atrm
9. How you create an achieve file in solaris?
10. Write a PHP program to display number 1 to 50 in descending order
11. Write a MYSQL query to update table information.
12. Write down the steps to start and login into MYSQL in linux
13. Give any four data and time functions in MYSQL
14. How to add and remove a user in MySQL
15 How will you remove duplicate values in MySQL
16 Write a PHP program to display the date and time in browser.
17. What is array? How it is used in PHP?
18 Give an example on SQL injection.
19 What purpose Eclipse IDE is used in PHP?
20. How to configure Apache web server for PHP?
(5 x 12 = 60 MARKS)
21. Explain the advantages of Open source software. Mention any four open source
22. Explain the various operating modes in Ii nux .
23. i) How the directories and files are handled in solaris (6)
ii) Write short notes on file security in solaris (6)
24. i) Explain signals with example (8)
ii) Give details about the process in linux (4)
25. Brief the features of My SOL with suitable examples
26. i) What is function? Explain with an example (6)
ii) Write short notes on Apache Web server (6)
27. i) Write short notes on Cran and Crantab (8)
ii) Discuss the significance of open sources with respect to today's (4)
28. i) Write a php program to retrieve data fram the sql database (6)
ii) Explain Debugging and error handling in PHP (6)
*****THE END*****

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